It's your special day today....and Of course I wish you all the love in the world....I always have, even when time passed us by, and we didn't get to spend time together.....Children and commitments and just life in general kept us apart....but forever you were in my heart, forever and always....There's a story about Thelma and Louise, and no matter what, they kept it together, and stood by each other, the story of two women.... Today you wrote to me and called me Louise, and I called you Thelma....actually I think we screwed it up a bunch of times in our exchanges....some how I called you Louise and then you called me Thelma.....(Its good we both have the same name....hahaha) Now off to another subject... Your birthday....
It must have been a beautiful day on the day you were born....The Earth must have spun perfectly, and even though it was cold, there was warmth all around, because on that day the Angels, gave you a kiss, and said, "Its time for this little Angel to hit the Earth"....and so you were born, and lives were changed just as they are today because of you.....
I have been taught to spread love, to pass love, to give love, to smile much, to believe, to dance and sing and enjoy life and to pass it along. In my life, I have received back, much....I'm thankful to God for that. When we first met, I remember receiving the love back that was given, in true friendship....I have always stood up for myself, and stood by what I believed in, even if I stood alone.... So many times, people were afraid, people bailed, or people just hurt innocent people....and then right before my eyes, was Annie...The other Annie...and yet the same Annie....a pure heart, and a fierce spirit....A love of God and good people....
Today and always, my Annie, my Thelma, or my Louise, I thank God for you. I am honored to be your friend, to be in your life, and to share my life with you.....My kindred spirit, someone who feels my pain, and can laugh when you feel like crying.....or crying when you feel like laughing, because we just roll with the flow...
Today and always, I wish you the happiest of birthdays....I hope you know and can see how very much you mean to me....I hope you always feel the love, even when I'm not around....I hope you know you have blessed my life, and I hope I have blessed yours....That's what friendship is....It's not in the amount of time spent, it's the amount of love given, the good times and not so good times, but together anything can be conquered and love always survives.... You have given me countless love, and I know I have it for you....I know that in you I have a confidant, a sister, a friend.....I know that my world is better because your in it....
Happy Birthday My Beautiful Annie....I hope your life is blessed with everything good and kind, and that world forever spins beautifully because your in it....I hope that each desire of your heart is fulfilled, and that when you have to cry, you cry from laughter and that you know deep within your soul if you have to cry, my shoulder is always available, my arms are always there to give you the hug you need......and my heart understands your sorrow....I hope that each day of your life is blessed with beauty. I hope you know ~ you are truly loved....
Happy Birthday ~ I adore you~ and that my Dear Annie, My Thelma, My Louise,~ is forever, and is a fact....It is what makes true Friendship....It's being together, even when we're apart....It's one spirit that wishes the other beautiful spirit all good things, all beauty, all love, and all happiness, and understands that sometimes the other might make a mistake, and doesn't criticize them, but helps to lift them...It's you and It's me....And so with all my heart I wish you, the best birthday in the world....and forever and always, ~ You have a friend in me....Your Thelma, Your Louise, Your Annie.....
Happy Birthday with all my love,